Tell His Church (That Jesus Lives)
I've been at the Generation conferance for two days, plus a pre-conferance meeting on Thursday, and God's been doing amazing things. First of all, as I have been going to the conferance either right after or the morning after I post my blog, the speakers have all been teaching on the exact same things that God has been talking to me about, and that I have been posting before they are spoken of at GC (Generation Conference). That has been just one more bit of proof that I am in God's will by creating the blog, and that I have been benifiting from it. Anyway, one of the songs that we have been singing at GC is about telling the world that Jesus Lives, and something that Jesus seemed to be showing me was that before we show the World that, we need to Show God's People that He Lives. I know it seems strange, if we are already Christians, why do we need to know that Jesus lives? I have come to the firm belief that most "Christians" do not really believe it. The Bible says that, "God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7 ASV), and how many times are there people who say that they "Love God" and will "Follow Him" and never even try. Two days ago John Bevere spoke on doing God's will, and he quoted a verse of scripture that I had always just looked over. He said, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matt 7:21-23 ASV) Jesus said In As Many Words that those who do not DO the will of the Father will not enter into Heaven. That message is something very controversial. My suggestion is that you who read this would research for yourself the original meanings of the words that Jesus used, and see if they match up. Either way, Jesus also says that is we love Him that we will obey Him (John 14:15). I know that we all have fallen, and that many of us will most likely fall again, but we must make every effort to obey God, not because of any promises or threats, but because we love God more than entertainment itself! My biggest problem is that I am a Gamer, a big-time Gamer. I do not play games that are innappropriate, but the sheer amount of time that I am tempted to spend on games is wrong, it is in fact a sin. I could tell myself, "Self, you will get a greater reward in Heaven if you spend more time with God now," but that would be wrong in itself. I have spent much less time on games becuase I Love My Jesus! If I ever begin to do that for any other reason, I have lost my true love of God. God is not looking for people who will just give up their lives for Jesus, that is something that many Christians could do. Neither is God looking for people who will only live for God in the world, although that is difficult. God is searching for people who will offer themselves as living sacrifices, people who will not only be ready to die for Jesus, or be ready to life where God and the World are in black and white, but also to live in the lukewarm church of today, and Stay Hot For God! Those are the servants that We must be! We are the generation who have to draw the line. Many of us are first-generation Christians, we must create Godly traditions in our homes, many of us have not seen "The Line" that says what is of God, and what is not. We must learn who our Liege is, and we must NEVER leave our love. And if we do, we need Christian Brothers AND Sisters to turn to for support. May we be those Christians who will never turn away from a fellow Christian, or one who is not saved, in need. We are God's mouth to the world. We are God's face. May we prove ourselves to be worthy of that call.