For Such a Time
For Such a Time as this
Now, All I have is now.
To be faithful, to be holy,
And to shine the lighting of the darkness.
Right now, I really have no choice,
But to voice the truth to the nations,
A generation looking for God.
For such a time as this,
I was placed upon the earth.
To hear the voice of God and do his will, whatever it is.
For such a time as this,
From now and all the days he gives,
I am here, I am here, and I am His, for such a time as this.
My time, this is my time. It's not the time of the people sitting on my left and right, it's my time. Some have been called, but even less have responded. Some have heard the call, and knowing what it is, denied it. It is not their time. Some have not heard the call, and it's not yet their time. There are a very few who have heard the call, and who have accepted that call. It is our time.
Some have heard the call, but ignored it. Some have heard the call and accepted it, but their time has already come and gone. My call came many years ago, and I accepted it then, but since a new call has come.
I used to be a naive child who knew not the world, then all my call was, was simply to love our God. Then I was a child who met the world and cried for it. My call was then to love the world as I loved God. Then I was a young teen/preteen who saw the world and embrased it. My call was to come back to our God, to love and live for Him again. Then my call was to raise others up to become men and women of God.
And then I died. On Christmas Eve, 2002, I died. I don't believe that many know that. My body lived, but barely. At nearly midnight, my mind changed from a normal person, slightly more than average in my intelligence, into a realm of chaos. Reality and fiction were merged, I knew nothing. I am still David Douglas Tate Shore, but I don't even think of myself as the same person pre 2002 and post 2003.
Before, I was a person birthed of joy, and a life with many people to hold me and catch me when I was weak. Now I am a man birthed of pain, suffering, and a love of my God. My first memory after my mind broke was of pain, and it was a cry to God for help, the cry of a child being birthed, if you will. Even then, I was not complete, for all memories of my life were gone.
My friends, my education, even my family were forgotten. My good friend Aaron Bruun must have been more than slightly surprised when I called him. I am not certain if my memory of that event is from his recounting, or if I actually remember it, but he was the third person to whom I called in an attempt to find out who I was. I don't know who the first person was, but the second was named Eric, I am not even sure where I knew him from.
Since then, Liege has let me remember more and more of my history. Some of it has been enjoyable, and some of it has been beyond sorrowful, to find who I was before before the pain changed me.
Imagine, if you will, not knowing anything. Not knowing your own name, not knowing the strangers who stand over you, who are your family, not knowing who you are, barely able to convey that sense to others, and barely understanding their responces. That was my trial. Since those days, memories come back, I just now remembered that I used to live just several miles from Pueblo, Colorado for several years.
Beyond even that, since then I have experienced increasing pain at all times, with no halting or lessening, and constantly deal with that pain. For over two years, I have been in a trial, one that gets worse as each second progresses.
If you can, I challenge you to find an experience which is more maturing.
I have learned to lean on God for everything. For the will to live, for the trust to survive. First I lived for David(myself), obeying God, then I lived in a mad chase, attempting to distance myself from pain, not caring of anything but pain, and now I finally live a live for God, for Keeping it Real. Not just real in the physical sense, but Real, as Truth, as Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. I can never be one just like Jesus, but every breath can be a fight to be so.
Some say that a hopeless battle is not worth fighting, I say that there are precious few that are more worth it. I have obtained a small knowledge of several archaic languages since I have been "Made New," and I think of myself as someone different. My name is truly and legaly David Douglas Tate Shore, but who I was, much of the love of the flesh was taken from me. What I had loved [in my own flesh] is dead, and who I was, is now buried with it."
I used to be one who thought of myself first, and all else second, but since what I loved, myself, was destroyed, I could no longer do so. God has since trusted me with the choice to love myself as I once did. I still occasionally forget things like who I am and have to stay away from things that increase pain, but on the majority, I have been given much of what I had know back!
God has also taught me how to be real (as in Real), maybe someday I will be someone like my Good friend Aaron, who has a hunger for God that puts me to shame. Maybe I'll be a Tiffany, who lets God work through her in ways that she cannot even grasp yet. Maybe I'll pull a Pastor Luke, and be someone who will set this world aflame for Christ, Maybe I'll be a PJ (Pastor James), and raise up people from the gutters who will come beside me and soon guide me. But I hope and pray, that I will be a David, a David who people will see and say, "Lord, make me like him!" May I be a man to whom people can truly say, "Follow him, as he follows Christ."
God has truly blessed me with much more than has been taken away.
Praise be to our Lord's name!
SEBASTIAN KU (Recorded Dec 2004)
When clouds of darkness
Overwhelms my soul
When the strength of my heart
Is swept away
When my friends have left me
All hope seem far away
When the words of comfort
Refuse to stay
There’s a song in the night
There’s a light in the dark
There’s a gentle voice that soothes my heart
For I know that my Redeemer lives
And His love for me will never end
My heart, my flesh may fade away
Yet with my eyes I’ll see my God
In the quiet corner
In the still of night
Your tender presence
Lifts me high
My sweet Companion
My Friend and Guide
My soul’s deep Anchor
In You I abide
You’re the song in the night
You’re the light in the dark
You’re the gentle voice that soothes my heart
For I know that my Redeemer lives
And His love for me will never end
My heart, my flesh may fade away
Yet with my eyes I’ll see my God
I live my life to give You praise
Every breath, everyday, every beat of my heart
This life is captured by Your grace
To worship who You are